Equipment List

Top-Notch Equipment List
WIRE EDM(2) Fanuc Alpha Wire EDM's
SWISS LATHES(2) Star SR-20R Swiss Lathes
Star SR-32J Swiss Lathe
CNC LATHESMori Seiki NL2500 4-Axis Turret Lathe
(2) HAAS ST-10 Lathe with 12' LNS Bar Feeder
HAAS 30 ST-30 Big Bore
HAAS 3-Axis VF-3 with 4th Axis Capability
HAAS 3-Axis VF-4SS
HASS 3-Axis VF-8 with 4th Axis Capability & Renshaw Probe
WATERJET(2) Flow Integrated Flying Bridge Waterjet Cutters
MISCELLANEOUSBridgeport 42x9 Table
Acra Knee Mill
Bridgeport Romi
LeBlond Gap Bed Lathe
Mitsui Surface Grinder
Grison Wet Surface Grinder

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