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When using boot connector’s in manholes, there are a variety of considerations that must be taken into account when deciding which boot is the best fit (pun intended) for your project. First and foremost there has to be an understanding of at least a couple different points that can determine which connector is ideal. What […]

Watertight connectors come in a variety of shapes and sizes but maybe you’ve never seen how the take-up clamps work and how they can be a vital key to the entire process of sealing storm or sanitary collection systems. In this video we’re going to show you how a large concrete pipe and our patented […]

I’m from the UK where my father was a drainage contractor who then went into making drainage pipes so after spending many Summers sat on drainage machines or helping in the factory. When I left school I joined the pipe factory in an administrative role but soon found out how much I enjoyed the sales […]

No greater asset within a company of any size is more valuable than its employees. Each one is an integral part in the process, growth and responsibility of the company as a whole. Very few can say they’ve been with a company for more than 3-decades, but today one of our very own bid farewell […]